Broen slipper sitt debutalbum “Yoga” den 20. februar. I den anledning er det en ny låt der ute, fra albumet, som du bør sjekke ut. Natt & Dag har intervjuet bandet og vi har hentet fram dette sitatet derfra:

– Nei, vi har ikke som mål å skrive politiske tekster. Men vi har som mål å skrive om ting vi bryr oss om, og det kan være alt fra å stå på ski, til å pisse på det greske nynazist-partiet Golden Dawn.

Vi digger Broen fordi de er fryktløse. Seriøst.

– – – – -14- – – – –
At the age of fourteen
on the edge of a childhood
a clear mind in me
I was a child growing
a rope jumping
a ball throwing little girl
in my own eyes
but there were guys that disagreed
they had a different view of me
they told me “Heeeeey baby, Heeeeey cutie,
why don’t you take my lollipop and put it in your mouth,
you know your way around?”
And when they talk
and they say
that little girls are jailbait
throwing high-fives around
wearing it like a crown
treating them like little women should be treated
like they will never be defeated
A day of reckoning will come
the scum will be taken away
by a tidal wave of consciousness
by a tidal wave of consciousness

At the age of fourteen
I used to dream
that they would feel just how I did
That they would know what it was like
to grow up well before my time
that they could see their own monstrosity
That they would know what being forced feels like
that they would never turn a blind eye
Because until they know this won’t stop
and little girls will always be adults

You know them girls are tough
thick skinned
but this shit acts like an arrow
pierces the soul deep in its marrow
leaving scars that take time to heal
so lets be real about thisssssss
Just let the little girls be little
let them laugh and play
let them be their own age
let them jump rope
and not fall short
and let us not forget
to keep the fire in their eyes burning
let them not get this burden
