At the bottom of this blog post you’ll find the sign up form. But Emilio Sanhueza has also written a bit about why Nabovarsel is doing a newsletter.

Dearly beloved,

So we run a label. A label of love. And we’re proud to be the label behind artists such as Machine Birds, Burning God Little, Put Your Hands Up For Neo-Tokyo and Verdensrommet. We’ve also done Action The Man’s magnum opus “Dødsforelsket EP”. Not bad. We’re proud to say that we’ve only released singles and EP’s that we support 110%.

So we are doing this newsletter to provide whoever would like to know more about the music we support and release before anyone else. We take our stuff seriously (maybe too seriously?) and we want to make it feel worthwhile for anyone willing to give up their email address to us. So there will be exclusives and free downloads, and they will only pop up when we have something new to tell you. We are using Mailchimp for this service, which we feel is a trusted and safe provider of email campaigns – we’re telling you this so that there is transparency in both our decicions and our methods to get there.

Anyway, here is a reminder of what we have done in the past:

And here is the sign up form:

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